Menstrual Cycle Analysis + Custom Yoni Steam Plan

Menstrual Cycle Analysis + Custom Yoni Steam Plan


Do you feel like something is off with your moon cycle? Maybe you have a really long period one month and a short period the next. Perhaps you have intense debilitating cramps or really heavy flow with clots. Are you trying to get pregnant? Or fibroids, cysts, or even an active infection like BV or Candida?

This service is for you.

In this hour virtual or in person appointment, we go over your period history for the past 6 months to create a custom steam plan just for you. This is a more in-depth steaming appointment, this is a commitment to self-care.

Steaming session will be provided *pending that you are local to Portland. For virtual appointments, you will be given instruction on how to steam safely and correctly at home.

Please note: is a 3-month commitment. We will be meeting for 1 hour the first month, then for 25 minute virtual check-in calls in months 2 and 3 to check period health and progress. A month’s supply of The Yoni Yurt steaming herbs is included.

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